Here is Brooklynn learning a cart-wheel at her tumbling class. This class has alot less kids than the dance class did so she gets more one-on-one attention. After trying both classes, I asked Brooklynn which one she prefers and she has decided on the tumbling class. Even though I did tumbling for years when I was younger and will enjoy watching her learn, I was kind of disappointed. Brooklynn "has the music in her" and has been dancing around the house since she was a baby. She LOVES dance and anything to do with music so I was surprised at her choice. When I asked her "why" she said that the dance class was "too pushy". I inquired some more and discovered that it was the large size of the dance class that she didn't care for. Granted, it really was too big. There were so many girls that they were literally chest-to-back, with no room to stretch or practice when they were on the "bar". Brooklynn is a little younger and shorter than most of the other girls in that class so she caught a few elbows to the face and got a few toes stepped on since she didn't have any shoes on. I told her it was her choice, so we will be having fun doing tumbling this year, but I think I'll let her give dance another try next year when she's in the older class that has fewer girls. My parents always had me and Troy try everything at least once so we could decide what suited us best. I'm thankful they did and I'm thankful they supported us in out choices.
Thanks Mom & Dad!