Saturday, January 31, 2009


Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Or one of those moments of clarity where you step back and see your life for what it really is? I know it sounds weird but I had one of those moments yesterday. It was a good day...everyone slept peacefully the night before and Brooklynn had a great day at kindergarten...Isabelle took a nice nap...and we had just pulled up to our house after picking Brooklynn up from school. I was holding Isabelle on my hip and we were pretend chasing Brookynn up the portch stairs. Isabelle was excited to be chasing her sister and Brooklynn was squealing with delight and terror at the thought of being caught...and it happened. It dawned on me that I was a mother!'s not like I forgot I was a mom, it just hit me in a deeper and more profound way. Am I confusing you? I can't explain it better. Maybe it's because I have been trying extra hard these past few months to more fully embrace my divine role as a mother and have been praying extra hard to recognize and refine the talents the Lord has given me to better serve my children. I don't know...but it was a strange and neat moment. Somtimes I still feel like a little kid myself...but I'm not.

Somewhere along the way, this little girl grew up and became the mother...

...of these two adorable creatures! I am so very thankful to my Father in Heaven as well as my earthly Mom and Dad for all their love and support. I love my life. It is NOT alwasy easy and I have shed many tears (even recently) but I KNOW that I am very blessed and I would not trade any of the good or bad moments for anything!

Does this olive-eating monster remind you of anyone else you know?

Here's my little pioneer! Isabelle LOVES having free-range of Brooklynn's room while she is at Kindergarten!
P.S. As of January 1st...Izzy is Pacifier-free!!! Bye, bye Binki!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My new favorite show! If you enjoy dance, even a little bit, you will LOVE this show. I thoroughly enjoy watching the different styles and techniques from around the world. I think my favorites so far are the Groovaloos (go USA), the 2 Indian soloist and the steamy, wait-until-the-kids-are-in-bed Tango dancers from Argentina. (I really, really wish they didn't show so much skin) What about you? Do you like the show? Who is your favorite?