Saturday, May 26, 2012

Farewell Spring...Hello Summer! We've had so much fun this Spring. Here's some of the things we've been up to...

 EASTER pics in the beautiful hills of Tennessee. Gorgeous but sometimes dangerous. Believe it or not, we were actually SHOT at by someone while taking these pictures of the kiddos. It was a Sunday and it we were on the side of the road next to an open field...apparently someone did not like us being there. :-( Next year, I may just opt for pictures in our front yard instead.

Brooky will be turning 9 next week so she had some friends from school over for a PaRtY!! Sooo much fun!!

 Brooklynn and Jacob cuddling in a chair. Their features are so similar!!! So stinking CUTE!!!

TCAP tests at school, piano practice, homework, playing and fussing with siblings can wear a gal out!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

  Here's my sweet Brooklynn at her Christmas program at school. It was so fun this year. Along with the classic songs, they did some hip-hop Christmas songs which you could tell really helped ALL the kids really get into it! They were jumping up and down and pumping their little fists in the air. So cute! I am soooo glad we chose a green shirt instead of red so I could spot my LITTLE girl. Seriously!!! She definitely got her height from ME!!! Poor thing. Lets just hope that's ALL she got from me. :)

We had a great Christmas morning at home before we headed off to church to celebrate the birth of our Savior. This year has had it's share of ups and downs...but looking at
these 3 faces reminds me that my "UPs"  infinitely out-weigh the "DOWNs"!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gpa Williams

Our first attempt at documenting Grandpa's famous life stories. This one is about when he first met his sweet-heart, Peg. :) I was so upset when the camera battery went dead. :(

Izzy's 1st cake

Isabelle's 1st cake when she was 1 year old. July 2008.

Christmas at Papa Wi Wi's.avi

Last December (2010) we all went to Great Grandpa's house to celebrate Christmas with him. Tara Lyn and I had always talked about getting Grandpa to tell some of his stories while we filmed and we were lucky enough to get some good ones this night. His positive attitude and ability to laugh at life has always impressed me. Grandpa Bruce is one of those people who you can't help but feel GREAT when you are around him.
Here's to an AMAZING man who was blessed to live an AMAZING life.
We love you Pa-Pa Wi-Wi.