Brooklynn finally lost her first tooth...and, in true Brooklynn-form, it was highly dramatic. The tooth decided not to come up directly under the baby tooth and instead came up behind it. This made the baby tooth not want to come loose very Brooklynn did not like the idea of trying to wiggle it hard every day. Eventually the tooth was almost half way in and we could see that the old tooth wasnt going to we had a decision to make...either pay the dentist to pull it or we would pull it. Brooklynn said she would rather have us do it instead of the dentist, so Russ helped her hold ice on her tooth and gums for several minutes in between him wiggling and pulling hard. It was traumatic for me as a mother to hear my baby crying and screaming so I had to leave the room. It just killed me! I wanted so bad to run to her and scoop her up in my arms and soothe her but I knew it had to be done. Finally, I heard a "pop" and a scream...and sure enough, they had gotten it out. As soon as Brooklynn saw the tooth, the sobs turned to giddy-laughter and beaming-pride. Her cousin, Michael, was baptised that evening so Brooklynn took her tooth in a little baggy and showed everyone who came.
That is so exciting! Congrats to Brooklynn.
Gotta love those milestones don't ya?
Wow, Brooklynn what a big girl! I am so proud of you and glad your Mommy didn't pass out. Hee hee
Love you!
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