Saturday, January 30, 2010


The soonest they could schedule us for our ultrasound is February 18th, so we have 20 more days to go until we find out if our "little bean" is a boy or girl. Of course, everyone has their own opinion of what we're having with all sorts of different reasons for their guess, but I'm just not sure. With Brooklynn I KNEW it would be a girl from the first day and I even bought a pink baby outfit to announce my pregnancy to Russ. Similarly, with Isabelle I always had a feeling it would be a girl, but began to doubt when Brooklynn said she thought it was a boy. But this one's totally different. I've been a lot more sick with this one; I'm showing way, way sooner and it appears to be carrying quite high, so the differences make me lean more to a boy...but I just don't know...and to be honest, I truly don't care as long as it is healthy and happy. It would be nice to have a boy since this will probably be my last baby, but I'd be fine either way. What about you? Did you have any "feelings" on what sex your baby would be...and were you right?


Mindi Hoellein said...

I KNEW mine was a boy. I dont know why or how, because all of the old wives tales were wrong and pointed to a girl. Maybe it was me not getting my hopes up about having a girl, but for some reason I just knew. Either way, I am just happy that he is healthy and almost HERE! :o)

Jami said...

Um well. Troy and I were SURE all three of ours were BOYS. You know how well that worked out.

Can't wait to find out!

APGW HR said...

Heck, I had dreams I was having puppies, so nope....I didn't have a clue either time. :)