Monday, May 24, 2010


I am soooo proud of both my girls!! Brooklynn had her awards ceremony today for 1st grade. She was recognized for being on the High Honor Roll and for maintaining 95% or above for the entire year! Way to go Brooklynn!!!
Also, it's been 3 weeks and Isabelle is still doing an great job on potty-training!! I am so proud of my little BIG GIRL!!
As for me and the bun-in-the-oven...we're doing good to. I'll admit that I hurt...alot...and never get more than 2-3 hours of sleep at a time...but everything else seems good, so I'll deal with it. Sometimes I feel like a zoo exhibit when people look at how big my tummy is and find out I have 7 more weeks to go. We went to a Chinese restaraunt the other day and our waitress was talking about my soon-to-be baby and asked how far along I was. When I told her I had 7 more weeks, her eyes bulged out and she started shouting in Chinese back to her friends in the kitchen and some of them came out to "observe". I was probably red as a tomato from embarassment!!! NOT fun! The good news is that I havent actually gained much weight and what I have gained is ALL BELLY. It just makes it hard on my back and I'm constantly knocking into things with my "beach ball". I see the doc this week and plan on talking about inducing me as early as safely possible. :~)