Thursday, February 26, 2009

My baby...

It seems to me that my baby Brooklynn has grown up so fast. She is soooo independent and is very stingy with her hugs and kisses...until recently, that is. Lately, she's decided that I'm pretty okay and misses me greatly when I'm not around. I've gotten more hugs and kisses lately than I've gotten from her in a long time! I LOVE IT!!! I realize it probably wont last long so I'm enjoying it while it's here.
Here is Brooklynn with her friend from church, James Stockman. He moved here when Brooklynn was 3 and they became instant friends in the Nursery. He was extremely shy but thought Brooklynn was hilarious. She was only 3 years old but her voice would change to this real sweet, mushy-gushy voice whenever she would talk about him and she would smile and bat her eyelashes. It was so funny to see how innate our emotions and actions are. They are good buddies now and his mom and I have secrectly betrothed them to each other.
I hope they wont mind. :~)
Okay, is she not adorable in pig-tails??!! She looks like she's two years old!! I love it!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Six things that make me happy...

I was tagged by Lindsey. You are supposed to list 6 things that make you happy, so here are mine:

1. My children's laughter (Ditto, Lindsey)
2. Family parties.
3. Warm sunshine.
4. The temple.
5. Cuddling with my kids and/or Russ.
6. Me-time. I love having just a couple of hours completely to myself to clean, nap, scrapbook or watch a movie. It's the key to my sanity. :)

*Link to the person who has tagged you. Write down six things that make you happy. Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it. Then tell the person when your entry is complete. I tag Jennifer, Jami, Amanda, Sundee, Brenda, Katie, Amy & Dad.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What we've been up to...

Well, we've had a busy and exciting new year. First, I was called to be the Stake Primary Secretary, but after only a few weeks in, I was told that I would be released in order to provide full support for my husband as he was being called to be our new Branch President!!! What??!! Russ and I sat in complete shock for several minutes when our Stake President first told us, but after a few minutes we regained the ability to communicate and Russ accepted this new opportunity to serve. He was set apart a few weeks ago and I can already see the amount of dedication this calling is going to require. I know Russ can do it...but I was a little nervous about him being gone from us so much. I admit it...
I am spoiled! Russ has always been a very involved dad and I've come to rely on him so much...too much. It's strange how I've been praying extra hard lately for more confidence as a mother and to rely less on Russ...and what happens??? All I can say is the Lord does hear and answer prayers...just not always in the way you might expect. :) We are all excited about our new adventure as a family, especially Brooklynn. Now when her Primary teachers threaten, "Do I need to send you to the Branch President's office?!" Brooklynn says, "Yeah!!!"
Happy Love Day!!!