Monday, December 31, 2007

I can read!!!

Brooklynn has known her alphabet since before she was 2 years old and soon after that she learned the accompanying sounds. Just this past year we've been working on her writing but I wasn't going to start into reading until she was better at writing. But being the curious little thing that she is, she's always asking what certain words are and how they're spelled, I guess we inadvertently taught her how to sound things out. She came to me last night holding a Christmas card with pictures of my friend's family on the front and, as usual, was asking who all these people were. She was spelling out all their names and then just started sounding them out and saying all of their names. At first, I thought maybe I had told her their names on a previous occasion, so I picked up her "Friend" magazine and started asking her to read other short words. She sounded them all out and was able to tell me all of the words!!! I beamed with delight and made such a you can guess she wanted to do the REST of the evening! We read all the words we could find around the house (as long as they weren't too complicated). I know that many kids read at this age, but I am just particularly impressed with the fact that we haven't really even started working on it. I know, I know...EVERY mother thinks their kid is a genius, right? Even so...I was VERY PROUD of my little Shnooky!!!

Merry Christmas

Isabelle enjoyed some rockin'-chair-time with
Great Grandma after a nice long nap.

This year we had family dinner on Christmas Eve down at Buster and Lorna's house and then got together with the whole family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...) on Christmas day at Grandma's house for leftovers. Brooklynn was especially cute this year. She wrote Santa a letter and and left him cookies and juice and also left carrots for his reindeer. On Christmas morning, she slept in (thankfully, since I was up until 1:00 am wrapping and aranging a "thank you" from Santa) but around 7:30ish she came running down the hall to our room where I was changing Isabelle's diaper and Brooklynn said, "Is it morning time? Is it Christmas yet?" I replied that it was indeed Christmas morning to which she said "I know. I already looked!" I guess she stole a glance into the living room before venturing down the hall to us.

A couple of days before Christmas, I was trying to tease her a bit and said, " Oh no, Brooklynn! We don't have a fireplace so how is Santa going to get your presents in our house??!!" A worried look crossed her face for only a split second before you could see the wheels a turnin'. She tapped her finger on her chin a few times as she tried her best to think of a solution to this unfortunate predicament and then Viola!! "Don't worry Mommy, Santa is magic! He'll find a way". Then she was off on her merry way without another word.

Sunday, December 2, 2007