Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer fun

We were fortunate to be able to have a special visitor for a week or so. Katie Baxter (aka Sister Baxter) served part of her mission here in LaFollette 3 years ago and was just one of those people who instantly becomes your friend. I truly enjoyed the time I spent with her and Sister Shearer while we were out visiting investigators. This time, we got to spend time together exploring East Tennessee. We...okay...I got us lost one day and we ended up in Pigeon Forge...which was totally fun!! We spent a couple of days in downtown Knoxville where we visited this neat memorial to all the fallen soldiers from E-TN, got virtigo at the top of the Sun Sphere and acted like totally, cheesy tourists on UT campus! :~) She also joined us for a fun-filled day at the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg. Come back anytime, Katie. The girls already miss you!!


Katie said...

I miss you guys too!!! I had so much fun. It was so awesome to come back as a friend!! Thanks for everything!! You were the best!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this looks like a great trip. Friends are so dear and special. I am thrilled you are able to get out and explore...even if you get lost, it is always an adventure! I miss our bumming trips. aka shopping. Love you tons, Mom

394bull said...

a couple of mermaids in one of the pictures looks a lot like our girls.