Thursday, November 22, 2007

Aunt Erica's Wedding

Here are some pictures from Erica's wedding. Did I or didn't I marry into a family of super-models??? Not only are these sisters gorgeous, but they are kind, talented and humble. Me...intimidated? Nah! Here is Brooklynn and Isabelle with their cousins, Garret and Michael, being so patient while we moms try and capture "the perfect picture". Trust me doesn't exist. :~)
After an hour of picture taking in the sun and long sleeves, Brooklynn just broke down and started crying. I'm glad I was patient with her (for once) since we found out later that the poor, little thing had a virus and had a tempereature of 102.9!!! Needless to say, she got to eat alot of popsicles and watch alot of TV on the couch for the next few days.

1 comment:

Jami said...

Poor Brooklyn - Hope she is feeling better:)