Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are they made of sugar???

As I was cleaning tonight, I overheard Russ reading Brooklynn her scripture stories when they came to the storey on Noah's Ark.
Russ: "Noah was a great prophet who tried to call the people to repentance, but they would not repent and continued in their evil ways. So the Lord told Noah to build an Ark and gather his family and the animals together. Once the Ark was built, the Lord sent a great flood that covered the whole earth and the wicked people were washed away".
With a quizzicle look on her face Brooklynn said: "Were the wicked people made of sugar?"
It took me a couple seconds before I remembered the many rainy days that she's been ushered quickly into a car or a house with the admonition, "Hurry up! You're made of sugar and sugar melts in the rain!" Russ and I got quite a kick out of her innocence and how she takes things so literal. Although it was a funny moment, it made me think about how grateful I am for our Savior who allows all our wickedness to be "washed away" like sugar in the rain.


The Brann's said...

What a cute moment. It's shocking sometimes how kids interpret everything we say.

394bull said...

Thank you. You have strengthened my testimony today.