Saturday, April 5, 2008

9 Years & Counting...

On April 3rd, 1999, I married my best friend. I often brag to my friends and family how lucky I am because my husband has only gotten better with time. With each passing year he has become more understanding, more forgiving, more patient, more spiritual, funnier, sweeter and hotter! :~) When I was younger, I had several important dreams:
-To marry my best friend
-To marry someone who valued his relationship with Heavenly Father as much as he valued our relationship
-To become a mommy
-To be able to stay at home with my kids if possible.
I am amazed and grateful to be able to tell Russ that he has made all my little-girl-dreams come true. When I prayed to God to send me a friend, I had no idea just how good of a friend He would send me...and for that, I will be eternally grateful!
I love you Babe!


Jami said...

Congratulations! You guys looks so cute! Isn't it amazing to watch a marriage grow over the years?

The Brann's said...

WOW....9 years is a long time. Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful picture! I can't tell you how happy I am for my children to have each married their best friend. It is so joyous that you have someone that stirs your soul and brings such blessings in your life.
All my love,