Thursday, September 25, 2008

TN Valley Fair

This was my (and my girls) first trip to the TN Valley Fair. Russ' parents took him and his siblings several times when they were younger so Russ has alot of fond memories. I gotta say...I really enjoyed it! Russ, Amber and I took turns staying with the kids while we got to ride some very cool (and sometimes scary) big-kid rides. But it was just as fun getting to watch Brooklynn, as well as Izzy, enjoy their kiddie-rides. I hope to be able to go next year, too.

Brooklynn buzzin' around!
Isabelle wasn't quite sure what to think about all this craziness...

...but she was a good-sport, as always! :)

Isabelle's favorite part was seeing all the animals up-close.
Okay, this was scary and also hilarious! This slide is very, VERY big and Brooklynn has never been on a slide this big before. I figured "It's a bad can it be?" Right?
Wrong! Once you pick up some speed, you tend to bounce up in the air when you hit those bumps on the slide...and when you don't weigh that much, you really get some air! Also, notice the lack of net or fence to the left of them!! I was slightly FREAKED out and you can tell by Brooklynn's face that she felt the same. I tried not to let her see my concern and cheered for her when she made it to the bottom, which made her look of worry slowly fade to a look of fake-happiness. My baby will NOT be riding this again for several more years, if EVER!!
Another look of fear/excitement. :~)
Now this look is PURE JOY! Brookynn has been addicted to swings since she was a newborn.


Unknown said...

Wow, that slide does look VERY scary! what happens if your on the others side and flips out? I suppose you got your nervous Nelly from me. All in all, it looks like a blast. I want to go to the fair and ride all the rides too. Maybe next time.
Love you,

Jami said...

Ugggghhhh...Fair rides might as well be called barf-o-rama rides to me. Glad you had fun.

The Brann's said...

Looks like tons of fun. I love to take my kids to do the same things I always enjoyed growing up!!