Saturday, October 25, 2008


We had a blast at our annual Trunk-or-Treat party last night. This year we had a chili pot-luck followed by
candy-apple decorating for the kids. However, it was quite
cold and rainy so we had to forego our usual trunk-or-treat in the parking lot and opt for a trick-or-treat up and down the church hall. Brooklynn said her favorite part was decorating her apple and if Isabelle could talk, I'm sure she would say that her favortie part was running away from me to go begging for candy from all the adults. :~) She finally got the wrapper off of her lollipop and was lovin' life!!


The Brann's said...

What fun!! Your girls are so cute!!

Jami said...

I love Trunk-or-Treats but definately think there is the right and wrong places to do them. You have seen my neigborhood. A gazillian LDS houses all in a row. So when they did a trunk or treat I bought and passed out candy to the exact same kids I saw at my doorstep two days later. This would be an example of the WRONG place to do one. :)

Cynda said...

What is a trunk or treat?