Saturday, May 23, 2009

Petting Zoo Field-Trip

The last full week of school, the kindergarten classes took a field-trip to "Little Ponderosa" petting zoo. Brooklynn begged to have her first bus ride with the rest of the kids so Russ, Izzy and I followed behind in our car. At the end of the day when we got home, I asked her what her favorite part of the day was...the horse ride?...feeding the goats?...petting the huge snake?...the silly monkey?...Nope! "My favorite part was riding the bus!" Mmmmm...maybe I'll skip the aquarium for her birthday and just take her on a bus ride downtown for alot less money.
Whatcha think?
Izzy, Haleigh & Brooklynn.

Izzy was in ANIMAL HEAVEN! She is such a lover of animals...too much, actually. She tends to get a little over-excited at times and gets a little too rough with them. Needless to say, we always have to stay real close to her whenever she's around any kind of creatures.


Cynda said...

Looks like a really fun day! I love logging on and seeing all the special pictures.

Cynda said...

The bus comments crack me up. Soooo true with little kids. Just like they always love the empty boxes at Christmas.