Friday, June 20, 2008

To A Great Dad...

Happy Father's Day & Birthday!
It's taken me a few days to get these pics scanned in correctly but here they are. Just some of my favorite pics of my Daddy! Dad, as you celebrate these 2 important days, I hope your heart is filled with joy (like mine is) when you think back on all the fun moments we've had. Also, I want to THANK YOU for all the sweet little things that only a Dad can do.
*Thank you for the countless nights that you came into my room to calmly and logically soothe my little-girl fears.
*Thank you for not actually killing any of my boyfriends...and also for making them think that you would! :~)
*Thank you for teaching me how to fish...and also for never teaching me how to clean them.
*Thank you for all the hours spent at a thankless job...and then not receiving enough thanks from me when you got home.
*Thanks for working so hard to earn money for vacations...and then planning the vacations based on your children's enjoyment.
*Thanks for loving me despite of all the times I never said
"thank you".
I love you Daddy!


394bull said...

Thank you Tara. I love the memories of raising my family. The fun and the frustating growing periods in all our lives. I missed being a full time father from your fifteenth year forward. However, to see the fine and well adjusted positive person you've become makes me very very happy. And, to hear you say you love me means so much more than words can express. The choices I've made in my life have not always worked out well. Thank goodness I didn't get to choose my children or my parents. I thank the lord for providing me with 2 wonderful spirits to call my children. I am so proud to be chosen to be your father.

Tom (Dad) Hodges

The Brann's said...

That was very sweet!! Aren't dad's the best??

Elaine said...

What a wonderful tribute to a really special person. I know how much Tom loves his children and this will be priceless to him. I really enjoyed having a walk down memory lane. Looking at the pictures brings back many great memories. We always said Tom look like Burt Reynolds when he was young (the ladies always looked at him). Thank goodness he has aged better than Burt Reynolds. What a handsome guy and a great brother.