Monday, August 11, 2008

Taking the Plunge!

So why am I up at 1:30 am blogging instead of snoring away into dreamland...especially after only 4 hours of sleep last night??? I keep thinking about Brooklynn starting school this week. I know she'll be fine...but will I?? I keep thinking of ways I can secretly sneak into the school and hide in a trash can so I can observe without being seen; but I'm afraid that just wont work. Reguardless, this is the week that we TAKE THE PLUNGE! I find myself feeling somewhat like the girl in this photo...mid-air, holding my nose and waiting for the impending "SPLASH". I think that school can be a bit like diving into a pool:
A. You'll have lots of fun & cool times -OR-
B. You'll get a major wedgie and feel lost in a sea of people.
So which was it for you???
Cool times or lots of wedgies??

1 comment:

The Brann's said... make me laugh. Your little girl is going to do just fine at school, and she'll love it more than you know!!!