Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Time Flies...

1st birthday....................1st potty......................

.....1st day of Kindergarten!

I love it!
Today was Brooklynn's first official day of Kindergarten! She went for 30 minutes of "testing" last Thursday but today she went to class with the other students. She LOVED it and was disappointed to see me when I came to pick her up. I guess that's a good sign, right???? I asked Brooklynn's teacher how she did and Miss Mary Ann said, "Oh, she did just great! But I can tell she is going to be a challenge for me this year." I must have had a panicked look on my face because she was quick to reassure me that it was only because Brooklynn is so smart and gets done with all her work extra quick and is asking "What's next?" This is going to be an interesting year! :~) I promise to keep you updated on her...well our progress throughout the year.


Linda Bosley said...

How exciting and wonderful that she is so excited to learn.
She looks beautiful.

Linda Bosley said...

How exciting and wonderful that she is so excited to learn.
She looks beautiful.

Jami said...

Oh the many milestones! We are just at the beginning with so many more to look forward to. How is the bedtime schedule going?

Tara Williams said...

Bedtime is going great! Izzy goes right to sleep whenever we lay her down and Brooklynn is on a good schedule, too.

Lindsey said...

Smarty Pants must run in the family! Sending your baby off to school is scary, but also exciting. All of the programs they do throughout the year are lots of fun too. You both will have a great year!

Lindsey said...

Hi. I tagged you, hope you don't mind. Check out my blog to find out more.

The Brann's said...

Can you believe our kids are in school??? I was just yesterday we worked at AG, and had just barely gotten out of highschool. Can we really be that old???

Kindergarten might seem like a hard thing, but in a month or so, you'll LOVE that fact that you get a break!!

Unknown said...

Wow, I love Brooklynn's hair. She looks like a little star. I really feel like it was just yesterday you were entering kindergarten!!!

savvy said...

oh my gosh! Brooklynn's gotten so big! She's so cute! How are you holding up?